For the purpose of a Zakat Calculator, we defer to the Zakat Foundation of America, a reputable organization that has just recently celebrated 20 years of helping Muslims all around the world find places to give their Zakat to. ZFA's Resource Center has established an authenticated (by our Imam) Zakat Calculator that gathers basic info and performs the calculation for you! 

You can click on the ZF logo (directly on the image) to  calculate how much Zakat is due upon you, and even donate directly through their website. Available on our homepage is a Donation section that supports the MCC of Louisville; this yet another place you can donate to, and it is additionally sectioned below for you convenience. 


Donate •

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions.

Whether it’s a Masjid Expense, a Gym Donation, or Sadaqa to the Needy, you can make your payment securely through MOHID below.